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Muscular man demonstrating how to work on getting your first pull-up

The First Pull-up

The outline for training sessions is as follows:

Max Effort Day –
Number of Sets:
Rest Time: 5 minutes or more

Hypertrophy Day –
Sets: 5
Intensity: 70% of current max
Rest Period: 3 minutes strictly

Volume Day –
Sets: 3 Ascending Ladder Sets
Strict Rest Time: 30 seconds

Prerequisites for Fitness: Being in good health before starting exercise
Equipment Needed: Rings
Schedule: Three days a week, with non-consecutive days scheduled for training.


Goal of the Program

The primary goal of “The First PULL-UP” program is to enhance muscle mass in the pulling muscles and increase overall work capacity. By building up muscle mass and improving work capacity, individuals can enhance their strength potential and body composition, ultimately preparing them to perform a successful pull up. Instead of relying on isometric and negative pull up reps, which may not be suitable for beginners lacking the necessary muscle mass and connective tissue development, this program focuses on working with weights that exceed one’s one rep max. This approach is both more effective and safer for beginners, as it helps to build the muscle mass needed to support strength development and reduces the risk of injury associated with high-intensity training.

For the majority of individuals, the ability to perform a pull up is hindered by their body composition, specifically by a lack of muscle mass or excess body fat (or both). Therefore, prioritizing strategies that target these components of fitness will have the greatest impact on unlocking one’s pull up potential. It is crucial to choose the right tools and methodologies to effectively build muscle mass and improve body composition in order to achieve success in performing pull ups


Program Details

Day 1 (Hypertrophy Day)- To kick off the training week, you will need to complete 3 sets of ring rows at maximum effort. When we say “maximum effort”, we mean giving it your all while maintaining proper form. Make sure to keep your body straight and stable throughout the movement, your chest lifted, and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of each rep. Take your time with the lowering phase and fully extend your arms at the bottom. Stop the set when you can no longer meet these quality standards.

Rest for at least 5 minutes between each max set.

Day 2 (Muscle Growth Day)- On this day dedicated to hypertrophy, the number of reps you will aim for will be based on your best performance from the previous max day. Take 70% of your top set (rounding up if necessary) and complete 5 sets at this rep count. The same guidelines apply in terms of maintaining form and technique.

Rest for at least 3 minutes between sets.

Day 3 (Ascending Ladders)- An ascending ladder is a structured series of sets, each progressively increasing in repetitions. Ladders serve as a method to engage in a high volume of quality reps while approaching intense effort sets periodically. It is crucial to adhere to a strict 30-second rest period between each set.

To execute the ladder workout, commence with a single repetition, followed by a 30-second rest, then proceed to complete 2 repetitions. Rest again for 30 seconds and proceed to 3 repetitions. Continue incrementing the reps per set by 1 until reaching a point where it seems challenging to complete the next set, or if unable to hit the desired rep count, take a 30-second rest and recommence at a single rep, repeating the process. Transitioning from 1 rep to the highest set marks the completion of a single ladder. This routine will be performed three times.

An example of a typical ladder session might resemble the following:

  1. 1/2/3/4/5/6 (struggled with the 6th rep, likely unable to complete a 7th set)
  2. 1/2/3/4/5/4 (fell short on the 4th rep of the 6th set)
  3. 1/2/3/4 (faced difficulty on the 4th rep of the 4th set)

    Progressively, individuals will be able to ascend higher in the ladder, but often see a heightened consistency in their performances across ladders. Progress can also be measured by the total reps achieved throughout all three ladders during the workout.

Ring Height Adjustment

For optimal effectiveness in promoting adaptations while mitigating injury risks and fatigue, it is essential to adjust the rings to a level that allows for achieving a maximum of 8 to 15 repetitions. Elevating the rings will make the rowing movement easier, while lowering them will increase difficulty. When the rings are positioned at a height where the back is just slightly off the floor, enhancing the challenge can be done by elevating the feet further.



After positioning the rings to achieve your desired maximum reps between 8 and 15, maintain this height for all your training sessions until you can exceed 15 reps. Once you reach this goal, lower the rings by 8-12 inches and continue the program until you surpass 15 reps again. Lower the rings gradually every time you achieve this milestone. If you can’t lower the rings any further without resting your back on the ground, start elevating your feet by 8-12 inches each time you exceed 15 reps.

For “trying” pull ups, when your back is nearing the floor, attempt a pull up once or twice a week without worrying about perfect form. If you succeed, practice a few single reps once or twice a week. If you can’t do a pull up, keep trying once a week while progressing through more challenging row variations. With consistent effort, you will gradually get closer to achieving a pull up. Once you can manage 2-3 pull ups, practice single repetitions “grease the groove style” by doing 4-6 singles per day and testing your progress every few weeks. Keep improving your ring rows while practicing pull ups until you can achieve 5 solid repetitions.

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